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Contact Me

Hello! Thanks for visiting the Greyfriars Index web site.

I'm always interested in hearing from people who share my interest (obsession?) with vintage comics, in particular the writings of Charles Hamilton. If you notice an error or omission, have an idea for additional content, want to give some constructive criticism or simply say hello or ask a question, please drop me a line at home @ greyfriarsindex.co.uk [leaving out the spaces, which I've done to cut down on the amount of spam I now get].

I will try to respond to your mail in a timely manner, and won't pass on your details to anyone else. I should warn you though that all mail from this site is automatically filtered into a junk mail "holding" folder due to the sheer volume of spam I currently get; so I apologise if that means I overlook your mail.

Unfortunately I can't offer advice on any rare (or other) old comics or books you may have. If you have something you want to sell (or just establish the value of), you would be better off searching eBay and ABE Books, or contacting one of the specialist book sellers on eBay direct.



Acknowledgements  |  Images  |  Contact me  |  This page last updated June 2008